Name: Andrea Barchetti
School Email:
Current position at the school: School Counselor
Number of years in the educational field: 36 years
Number of years SAP trained: 28 years
College(s) Attended: Penn State University-B.S. degree in Family Human Development Studies; Cal-U-M.Ed in Education; Cal-U-M.Ed in Counseling; IUP-Principal Certification;
Duquesne University-Leadership Certification
High school you attended: Albert Gallatin
Town you grew up in: Smithfield, PA
Yours strengths as an educator: I have the compassion and motivation to help students succeed.
Hobbies/Interests: Outdoor activities, reading, traveling, antiques and shopping
Favorite Quote: "Have a good day on purpose."
Notable Awards, accolades or accomplishments in the educational field: Community Service Award-Frazier School District; Educator Excellence Award-Cal-U; Student Recognition Award-John Hopkins Hospital; LH Golden Mustang Award