Name: Chad Miller
School Email:
Current position at the school: Social Studies Teacher
Number of years in the educational field: 21 years
Number of years SAP trained: 19 years
College(s) Attended: California University of PA
High school you attended: Laurel Highlands High School
Town you grew up in: Uniontown, PA
Yours strengths as an educator: The ability to be understanding, open, and neutral when students approach me with problems or conflicts that they need help solving. I have also been a LH SAP Team Member since 2003
Hobbies/Interests: Construction, home remodeling, car collecting and working on cars.
Favorite Quote: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way that you make them feel.
-Maya Angelou
Notable Awards, accolades or accomplishments in the educational field:
LH Golden Mustang Award