Name: Mary Ellen Bosley
School Email:
Current position at the school: Certified School Nurse
Number of years in the educational field: 20 years
Number of years SAP trained: 20 years
College(s) Attended: Alderson- Broaddus College/California University of PA
High school you attended: Central High School
Town you grew up in: Woodstock, VA
Yours strengths as an educator: Compassionate
Hobbies/Interests: Baking, crocheting, and traveling
Favorite Quote: "You can't educate a child who isn't healthy and you can't keep children healthy who are not educated." -Jocelyn Elders, MD
Notable Awards, accolades or accomplishments in the educational field: Graduated Cum Laude from A-B; Was one of the first nurse's voted "Nurse of the Month" by my peers at O'Bleness Memorial Hospital, Athens, Ohio.